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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,

Or of the press

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Audrey E. Brown




Audrey Brown was interested in writing from a young age, when she would give anything to have her mother's computer for an hour to write fantastical reports of historical characters. When she joined her school's Cappies team in the ninth grade at Wakefield School in The Plains, VA, she became increasingly interested in journalism. From there, she took introductory courses in journalistic ethics while participating in the Virginia Residential Governor's School for the Humanities, and that is what sparked the idea to further pursue this topic. She will receive degrees in English from both Trinity College Dublin and Columbia University.


The modern media is near-constantly under fire from both politicians and the general public, who do not hesitate to cry “fake news” when articles depict them in a negative light. There are, of course, real instances of fake news, as well as problems with subjectivity in reporting. However, as suggested by journalistic codes of ethics, there is evidence to prove that, for the most part, journalists strive to promote ethics and truth in reporting. Many young people continue to turn to journalism because they seek to report the truth, and, overall, the world of journalism today need not be attacked based on an ill-aligned perception of the modern times.

Contact Audrey

​Tel: 703-431-0662

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